Legal Aspects of Video Game Emulation

Video game emulation, a technology that allows gamers to play older or hard-to-find games on modern devices, has garnered considerable attention in recent years. While emulation has its merits, it also raises critical legal and ethical concerns that warrant discussion. Let’s delve into the legal and ethical aspects of video game emulation, examining the intricacies … Read more

The History of Video Game Emulation

History of video game emulation

For many gamers, nostalgia is a powerful motivator. Memories of pixelated adventures and the satisfying click of controller buttons can transport us back to a time when life was simpler. The preservation of these experiences is crucial to understanding the evolution of video games, and that’s where video game emulation comes in. Emulation technology enables … Read more

Why did older graphics look better on CRT TVs?

Back in the day, CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) TVs were the standard display technology for watching television and playing video games. They ruled the living room during the era of old video games, like the NES, Sega Genesis, and the original PlayStation. With the rise of modern flat-screen TVs, many gamers wonder why old video … Read more

Why do Retro Games Look the way They Do?

As the gaming industry evolves and introduces cutting-edge graphics and immersive experiences, one might wonder why these pixelated, seemingly simplistic games still hold a special place in our hearts. Let’s delve into the reasons behind the distinct appearance of retro games, exploring factors such as technological limitations, artistic styles, and nostalgia. The early days of … Read more

What period of time is the ‘Retro Gaming’ era?

Nintendo 64 controller and games

When we think of retro gaming, we’re often filled with nostalgia for the pixelated worlds, iconic characters, and unforgettable soundtracks of our childhoods. But what exactly constitutes retro gaming? That depends on who you ask, how old they are, when they started gaming, and a whole host of other factors. This post represents what I … Read more

Why is Retro Gaming So Popular?

Why is retro gaming so popular?

Retro gaming has experienced a resurgence in popularity over the past few years, with many gamers embracing the classic titles that defined their childhoods. The phenomenon of retro gaming is widespread, encompassing not only video games but also consoles and gaming culture from decades past. But why is retro gaming so popular? This essay will … Read more

Video Game Emulation: Is it legal to use emulators and download ROMs?

Video game emulation has been a popular subject among gaming enthusiasts for decades, and for a good reason. It allows players to experience classic games on modern hardware, often with improved graphics, audio, and other features. In this article, we will delve into the history of video game emulation, discuss the legalities surrounding emulators and … Read more

Marshall Phone Looks and Sounds Like Their Iconic Guitar Amps

Marshall 'London' Smartphone

Marshall – the British makers of what would have to be the world’s most famous guitar amplifiers (for the non musical readers, that’s the stacked up grey boxes at the back of Guns ‘n Roses music videos) – have come completely out of left field and released a smartphone. It’s called ‘London’, and like most … Read more

Nikola Tesla Described the Modern Smartphone in 1926

Just saw this sweet little writeup on Big Think, pointing out this quote from the man himself: “When wireless is perfectly applied the whole earth will be converted into a huge brain, which in fact it is, all things being particles of a real and rhythmic whole. We shall be able to communicate with one another instantly, … Read more