Raspberry Pi Bitcoin Briefcase – Convert Your Spare Change to Internet Money

Bitcoin Briefcase

Bitcoins. I don’t have any, and chances are you don’t either. Chances are equally good that both you and I have no need to buy fake IDs or dank buds online, and these two factors are conditionally related. However, despite the fact that they haven’t really caught on in a huge way yet, Bitcoins are … Read more

CreepyDOL and F-BOMBs – Distributed Raspberry (s)Pis that can Track your Every Move.


No, this isn’t about a foul mouthed Chucky doll with a stalking complex. The ‘Creepy Distributed Object Locator’, or CreepyDOL for short, is a device cobbled together from a Raspberry Pi Model A, a USB hub and a couple of wifi dongles (housed in a non-descript case, the creator calls these F-BOMBs, or Falling Ballistically … Read more